You Said, We Did

"You Said, We Did" Update for January to May 2024

What you said

How you told us

What we did


Patients wanted the ability to be called back rather than waiting on the phones

General feedback, GP Patient Survey and PPG

Call back functionality added to the phone system

Reviewed with PPG in July 2023 and seems to be working well

Patients fed back that they were concerned about some elements of the online system

Total triage specific survey undertaken by the practice

We have changed some of the standard text responses to make messages clearer
We have changed the appointment system, so less appointments are available first thing and more are available later on, so that you have time to get ready and get to appointments.
We are continuing to review the appointment capacity in relation to patient demand (times and dates)
We are reviewing if and how we can encourage patients to contact us later in the day for less urgent issues.

We are following up with a new survey with some more specific issues to ensure we have a review and learn approach to the system

Patients fed back that they were concerned about being in the queue but still having phone waits

General Feedback

We worked with the phone provider to add functionality which allows patients to track where they are in the queue and they also recieve a text if they miss a callback which allows them to callback that day and jump to the front of the queue


Published on 28th May 2024